A smart way to help the planet

Always with the best quality and service

"Fight for the Sea" collection

Our DBD Water Bricks

Environment and Recycling

A brick made mostly of FSC-certified cardboard.

Reduced carbon footprint through more efficient manufacturing and Carbon Trust certification

Mostly recyclable and obtained from renewable raw materials.

SOCIAL COMPROMISE - Discover the beneficiaries of our donations :

Water is life

Imagine your life without water, it would not be a life. Although it is hard to believe, in some communities access to water is a difficult and dangerous journey of many kilometres that is crucial to the growth and prosperity of its inhabitants.

With Pozos sin fronteras, we want to make water available to everyone.

Pozos sin Fronteras has been working since 2003 to bring water closer to communities suffering from water shortages. With water, it is possible to build sustainable societies on their lands, with agricultural education and training as pillars of development.

Geographical distribution
Here is the list of interventions of this dynamic NGO:

Central and Latin America: Bolivia, El Salvador, Peru

Africa: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Morocco, Togo

Water is hope

SOLIDARITÉ EAU SUD is a humanitarian association providing international aid for the development of access to quality water and sanitation to improve living conditions, particularly in Africa and Asia since 2004.

With an all-volunteer team of technicians and engineers, our NGO works for the
development of villages
in the countries of the South of the world
by providing water engineering and other related expertise essential to the success of projects.

The values shared by the
members of SES are based on commitment, humanism, solidarity, and the
trust shared with our partners in the South. We take charge of
very diverse projects: construction
of wells, boreholes, river water intakes, solar pumping,
of water tanks, distribution networks, family and collective latrines
, irrigation systems
. Details of projects in Morocco, Africa and
Asia are available at

Understanding for better action

Océanopolis Acts - Fonds de Dotation de la Mer
supports those who learn, master and transmit to
the understanding, preservation and sustainable use of the ocean

our missions
Solving major challenges requires our ability to develop humanistic, cultural and environmental responses that bring collective intelligence into play.

All the actions of Océanopolis Acts, in their diversity, are dictated by one and the same conviction: "understand in order to act better".

WHO WE ARE Jean Louis Etienne, President Océanopolis ACTS

"More than 70% of our planet Earth is covered by seas and oceans, sources of known or still unknown riches that increasingly influence our existence. This spectacular, powerful and indomitable environment is too often abused.
Climate change, melting ice, pollution... threaten all ecosystems. Populations will be directly impacted, with one in two of the planet's inhabitants living near the coasts. Preserving this fascinating universe is essential. Read more here :


Environment and Recycling

Together we are building the future one drop at a time.

We closely monitor the entire process to provide you with the highest purity water but with the least impact on the environment.